Monday, January 12, 2009

Preparing for the Inauguration

Update: So I ask the guy at the front desk of our building last night about the barricades and he hands me a paper. Turns out Obama is hosting one of the big "official" inauguration parties at the convention center. And since it's a block away, secret service is putting our entire neighborhood in lock down.

What does this mean? Well is simply means there will be no cars on the streets and no street parking. It also means we'll have limited access to drive in and out but we'll have to show ID that proves we live in the neighborhood. The same goes for pedestrians who wish to walk through. In other words, you can't just stroll through.

I'm not too worried about it. I have the proper DC ID and it's really only for one day. And just think, Obama and Michelle will be dancing just one block from my condo. Sweet!

Good morning Washington! So the preparations for next week's inauguration are starting to show up in my neighborhood. On my morning walk to work, I noticed a ton of concrete barricades have been dropped off on the sidewalks. I'm not really sure what they are intended for since I don't believe our neighborhood is one going on lock-down. And I doubt they plan to close down the streets since our area is close enough to the mall for parking but not within security parameters. My only guess is they could be used for crowd control, but we'll have to see.

Either way, it's pretty exciting seeing all of the action around town. There's a buzz in the streets with activity and any time you see flashing lights, you start to wonder if you'll get a glimpse of our new president. Maybe I'll get lucky since his transition team is housed in a building right across the street from my office. Regardless of seeing Obama in person or not, DC is quite literally the place to be right now. Love it!

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At 7:25 PM, January 13, 2009, Blogger Mommers said...

I understand the excitement of Inaguration but, honestly, I feel sorry for you. I remember how inconvenienced I was driving my bus and being stopped in my tracks with a busload of students for a visit from Clinton or Gore. Isn't it funny that a visit from "W" never interrupted my bus run...

At 7:40 PM, January 23, 2009, Blogger Mommers said...

I should have mentioned that our little town is a stones throw from the Columbus airport...


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