Saturday, April 07, 2007

Are you kidding me???

Today is April 7th. April fools is long past us. But someone decided it would be funny to play a cruel joke on the DC region. The above photo is not a fancy Photoshop image. It was not taken two months ago when we all expect to see snow. Nope, that photo was taken five minutes ago from my front step. Are you freakin kidding me!!!

I often joke with people about how the snow has only been bad this year because I moved back to the region from Florida and California. But we all survived it and the weather turned to spring. Just this past Tuesday I observed tourists near the Tidel Basin drinking water, wearing shorts and fanning themselves to stay cool as temps neared 90. But because of that darn global warming, we now have snow on our door steps a week into April. Gotta love this wacky mid-Atlantic weather!
