Saturday, May 20, 2006

Can you crack the Code?

Last night Kel and I joined our friends Josh and Dominique at opening night of The Da Vinci Code. I would definitely recommend the movie. However, avoid watching it from the first 3 to 5 rows.

We got our tickets on, but getting good seats for this show was near impossible. We ended up sitting in the third row and found ourselves looking straight up at the screen. Had I not closed my eyes throughout half the movie, I would have walked out of that theatre with a bad case of motion sickness.

While the film was garnering some negative media attention, I personally didn't see what the big hype was about. Had director Ron Howard tried to pass the film off as truth, I could see where some would be offended. But as Kel said, "it's just a movie kids!"

Here is what some of our friendly movie critics are saying...

People who found the Dan Brown book dull will not be disappointed; the movie captures the inertia perfectly. - Barry Caine, The Oakland Tribune | Read the review

There are reversals of expectation, miraculous escapes from certain doom -- all the things that make thrillers thrilling. But "The Da Vinci Code" isn't thrilling. - Mick LaSalle, San Francisco Chronicle | Read the review


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