Saturday, October 10, 2009

The title of the blog pretty much says it all. Two weeks ago Mr. Dan Kelly calls me up with an idea. He had been out the night before at the Pour House on Capitol Hill and got into a conversation with a young lady about the Washingtonian Magazine top 100 area restaurants. The young lady tells Dan it's her goal to try each and every restaurant on the list.

So Mr. Dan, being the adventurous individual he is, thinks...hmmmm, Washingtonian Magazine did a top 75 bars list as well...

The following is an excerpt from his blog:
So the idea hit me. Why don't I check out all of these "Best Bars" and tell people about the experience. I can visit 75 bars and have drinks, not a problem, but how to make this more interesting? That's easy I have to complete this before March 1st 2010 when the next Best Bars issue comes out. Now this is getting interesting. So 15 bars a month... 30 days in a month... 1 bar every 2 days. PHEW! My liver is going to get a workout on this one.

Dan then enlisted my help with this project because as he says, you need a partner in crime on something like this. Besides, Dan and I have been moving and shaking up the nightlife scenes from DC to NC to all-over the state of Florida. When it comes to bars and clubs, we've built up some credibility with our various newspaper columns and marketing concepts.

So we developed the "rules" for 75 Bars DC. (I can hear some of you laughing right now as we talk about rules and drinking.)

1. We both must be at the bar.
2. We must have at least 2 drinks at each bar.
3. One of the drinks must be a "specialty" of the bar. Wine at a wine bar, Martini at a martini bar... you get the picture.

As Dan says, we have to have some guidelines that make this project somewhat official. And our goal is to provide you with an "off the street" perspective of these bars. In other words, we don't want to act like or write like we're a long time restaurant critic who goes through a cerebral review process. We simply want to give you an idea of what to expect at these places if you were to wander in off the street yourself.

And so the next step was for Mr. Dan to register the domain This was important because we need something to help with our marketing of this little project. I'll continue to post here on my blog, but we needed a domain to direct our friends and bar patrons that we meet along the way to. And so there you have it. is now official. The project has begun.

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At 6:40 PM, October 12, 2009, Anonymous Coach Biggish D said...

I'll drink to that.

At 1:49 PM, October 13, 2009, Anonymous dc iconoclast said...

DC's 75 Best Bars? Gulp! Glug! Slurp! That must mean there are at least 75 Not-So-Best Bars in DC. Mama mia, thatslottabars! No wonder congress appears in a state of perpetual alcohol-induced haze!
Anyhow, carry on, gentlemen, have fun. Wait. You obviously will be doing that. Be careful. No, that would impose on the fun. Oh never mind. I will be looking forward to your in-depth reports and test results. Chug On!

At 12:30 AM, October 15, 2009, Anonymous beer guy said...

...tried to send a comment to 75bars. had to go through many hoops. couldn't. gave up. any of these joints sell beer? you know, good old blue collar BEER? I don't mean Bud and Lite and Corona and that tasteless dishwater stuff. I mean REAL BEER! Stella? Sierra? Dominion? if so, what and what cost? $7.50? 10? $1.50? inquiring riff raff wants to know. how about adding that info to your reports. you're welcome.


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