Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Those Guys Are Brilliant!

I'm a few weeks behind in my posting on here, so forgive me for adding several posts back to back. I've been so busy over the past few weeks trying to finalize my web site redesign, dancing and shooting more nightlife. I'm just now making time to add a few things on here to get everyone up to speed.

As most of you know from my last posting, Dan and I planned to go out Halloween as the two Guinness Brewmasters. While I wasn't able to find a mustache to go with the costume, I'd say we pulled it off quite well. A lot of people thought we were doctors at first, but the moment we opened a bottle of Guinness and said "brilliant," people figured it out. Here are some pictures from the evening.

Dan and I at dinner showing off our brew...

Tracy and I at her house party...

Dan and I made friends with a construction worker and a flapper girl...


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